Make a donation.
Your financial support is vital to our mission. Please consider a tax deductible gift of any amount. Santa Fe Birth Center is a nonprofit 501c3 organization.
Since our first baby was born on May Day 2020, over 50 women have received care at Santa Fe Birth Center. We are almost halfway to our goal of serving 8 to 10 families a month. We remain committed to serving fifty percent of our clients who are covered by Medicaid insurance, even though Medicaid reimbursement covers only 50% of our cost for Mom and baby.
During this period of rapid growth we have all the essential elements to fulfill our mission: a stable experienced midwifery staff, competent administrative support, a beautifully renovated adobe home and even a garden.
Santa Fe Birth Center provides a vital choice for the transformative experience of childbirth. We are at a critical financial juncture in fulfilling the heart of our mission: to increase good birth outcomes and positive birth experiences for childbearing people and families by expanding birth choices.